YIFANG's R&D Strength in Traditional Chinese Medicine


YIFANG Pharmaceutical, established in 1992, has emerged as a formidable player in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). With a commitment to innovation and quality, YIFANG has developed a robust portfolio that includes over 700 products derived from more than 100 varieties of medicinal materials.

Scientific Strengths

YIFANG's scientific foundation is deeply rooted in the essence of ancient Chinese medicine, which has evolved into modern practical medication science. The company stands out as a leader in producing single concentrated TCM granules, a significant advancement that simplifies the use of herbal remedies for contemporary consumers. This innovation is complemented by advanced engineering technology, which plays a crucial role in the development of TCM products.

YIFANG's dedication to the comprehensive health industry is evident in its extensive R&D efforts. YIFANG focuses on creating innovative health products that cater to both domestic and international markets. This commitment has positioned YIFANG as a key supplier to well-known global enterprises, reflecting its reputation for quality and efficacy in TCM.

Investment in R&D

Since its inception, YIFANG has prioritized consistent investment in research and development. This strategy aims to foster continuous innovation, ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of the TCM industry. The R&D team, composed of experts well-versed in domestic Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations and international Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) standards, is dedicated to meeting market demands for TCM concentrated granules.

YIFANG's R&D initiatives are bolstered by strong support from government entities and the Guangdong TCM Research Institute. This collaboration has led to the successful development of a wide range of comprehensive health products, including polyherbal formulation drinks and GSP medicinal slices. The acclaim received for these products in both domestic and foreign markets underscores YIFANG's influence in shaping health trends in China.

Quality Assurance and Global Reach

YIFANG's commitment to quality is reflected in its rigorous quality control processes. The company has established a fingerprint chromatography control standard for its TCM concentrated granules, ensuring consistency and reliability across all products. With GMP certifications from both the TGA of Australia and China's SFDA, YIFANG adheres to the highest standards of production and safety.

YIFANG's products are not only well-received in China but have also found a market in over 30 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, and various European nations. This global reach is a testament to YIFANG's ability to adapt and innovate within the competitive landscape of the health industry.

In summary, YIFANG Pharmaceutical stands as a beacon of innovation and quality in the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine. With a strong foundation in scientific research, a commitment to R&D, and a focus on quality assurance, YIFANG is well-positioned to lead the comprehensive health market in China and beyond. As the company continues to evolve and expand its product offerings, it remains dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of consumers worldwide through the power of TCM.