Ultrafine Grinding Technology in Traditional Chinese Medicine


Ultrafine grinding technology represents a significant advancement in the processing of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). This innovative method focuses on breaking down medicinal materials to a micron level, enhancing their bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy.

Ultrafine Grinding Technology

Ultrafine grinding involves the reduction of particle sizes to below 10 microns, often achieving dimensions as small as 5-15 microns. This process is particularly beneficial for traditional Chinese medicinal materials like antelope horn, Panax notoginseng, and Fritillaria fritillary. By utilizing modern ultrafine grinding techniques, the cell walls of these materials are effectively broken, leading to a higher wall-breaking rate of at least 95%. The resulting powders exhibit improved sphericity, homogeneity, and bulk density, which collectively enhance their absorption in the human body.

Benefits of Ultrafine Grinding

The advantages of ultrafine grinding technology in TCM can be categorized into three main areas:

Accelerated Dissolution and Release of Active Ingredients

The ultrafine pulverization of medicinal powders significantly increases the surface area exposed to gastrointestinal fluids. This enhancement facilitates quicker dissolution and release of active pharmaceutical ingredients, including those that are poorly soluble. The smaller particle size allows these ingredients to adhere to the intestinal wall, improving absorption rates and prolonging the retention of these substances in the body.

Increased Dissolution Rate

The dissolution rate of active ingredients is directly proportional to the specific surface area of the drug powder. As particle size decreases, the surface area increases, which enhances the effective contact area with gastrointestinal fluids. This results in a higher dissolution and absorption rate of the active components, ultimately improving the therapeutic effects of the medicine.

Enhanced Pharmacodynamic Activity

The ultrafine grinding process not only increases the solubility of the drug powder but also broadens the range of active ingredients released. This leads to improved absorption efficiency over time, shortening the onset of action and extending the duration of effect. Observations using electron microscopy of ultrafine Panax notoginseng powder reveal a lack of intact tissue cells, indicating complete breakdown and release of cellular components, which enhances the overall efficacy of the medicine.

Applications in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ultrafine grinding technology is widely applicable across various TCM products, including:

Plant-Based Medicines: Herbs such as wolfberry, licorice, and American ginseng benefit from enhanced bioavailability.

Animal-Based Medicines: Products like shark cartilage and silkworm pupae are processed to improve their therapeutic properties.

Mineral Medicines: The technology is also effective for mineral-based treatments, significantly improving their dissolution and absorption characteristics.

The use of ultrafine grinders has revolutionized the processing of these materials, ensuring that they meet modern medical standards while retaining their traditional benefits.

Ultrafine grinding technology is a groundbreaking advancement in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. By effectively reducing the particle size of medicinal materials, this technology enhances the dissolution, absorption, and overall efficacy of active ingredients. As the demand for more effective and bioavailable herbal medicines continues to grow, ultrafine grinding will play a crucial role in the future of TCM, ensuring that these ancient remedies are both effective and relevant in contemporary healthcare practices.