Traditional Chinese Medicine Granules vs. Chinese Patent Medicines


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a rich history that spans thousands of years, offering a unique approach to health and wellness. Among the various forms of TCM, two prominent categories stand out: traditional Chinese medicine granules and Chinese patent medicines. While both are derived from herbal remedies, they differ significantly in their preparation, formulation, and application.

What Is the Main Difference Between Traditional Chinese Medicine Granules and Chinese Patent Medicines?

The main difference is in their preparation and formulation:

Traditional Chinese medicine granules are made by extracting herbs individually, concentrating the extracts, and then granulating them. They can be customized for each patient's needs.

Chinese patent medicines are pre-formulated herbal remedies made from combinations of herbs. They are standardized and commercially produced in forms like tablets, capsules, or syrups. The formulations are based on traditional herbal prescriptions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Granules

Traditional Chinese medicine granules, often called dispensing granules, are a modern adaptation of the conventional herbal decoction method. These granules are produced by extracting active ingredients from individual herbs, followed by concentration, drying, and granulation. This method allows for a more standardized and convenient form of herbal medicine.

Production Process: The granules are created by boiling raw herbs separately to extract their active components, then concentrating and drying them into granules. This process is conducted under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards to ensure quality and consistency.

Usage: Patients or practitioners can easily dissolve these granules in hot water to create a decoction. This method retains the essence of traditional TCM while providing a more user-friendly option compared to the labor-intensive process of preparing herbal decoctions from raw herbs.

Efficacy and Quality Control: One of the advantages of granules is the improved quality control over individual herb components. However, there are ongoing debates about whether the chemical properties and bioactivity of granules can match those of traditional decoctions, as the separate boiling of herbs may lead to different chemical interactions and therapeutic effects.

Chinese Patent Medicines

Chinese patent medicines, on the other hand, represent a different category of TCM products. These are pre-formulated herbal remedies that are commercially produced and packaged, often in the form of tablets, capsules, or syrups. They are designed to treat specific ailments and are usually based on traditional herbal formulas.

Formulation: Patent medicines are typically made from a combination of various herbs that have been historically used to address particular health issues. The formulation is standardized, meaning that each batch contains the same ingredients in the same proportions, which can enhance consistency and predictability in treatment outcomes.

Regulation and Approval: In many countries, including China, patent medicines must undergo regulatory approval before they can be sold. This process often includes safety and efficacy evaluations, making them a more regulated option compared to granules.

Convenience and Accessibility: The ready-to-use nature of patent medicines makes them more accessible for patients who may not have the time or knowledge to prepare herbal decoctions or granules. They can be found in pharmacies and health stores, often accompanied by specific health claims.

Key Differences Between Granules and Patent Medicines


Feature Traditional Chinese Medicine Granules Chinese Patent Medicines
Preparation Extracted from individual herbs Pre-formulated combinations
Form Granules for decoction Tablets, capsules, syrups
Quality Control Varies; depends on the manufacturer Generally standardized
Usage Requires mixing with hot water Ready to use
Regulatory Status Less regulated Subject to regulatory approval
Customization Can be tailored to individual needs Fixed formulations


Clinical Applications and Considerations

When considering the use of either granules or patent medicines, it is essential to understand their clinical applications. Granules are often preferred for personalized treatment, allowing practitioners to adjust formulas based on individual patient needs. This customization is rooted in the TCM philosophy of treating the whole person rather than just symptoms. In contrast, patent medicines provide a more straightforward approach to common ailments, offering quick solutions without the need for extensive preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are traditional Chinese medicine granules taken?

Granules are dissolved in hot water to make tea. One sachet or dose is typically taken twice daily. They can also be mixed into a paste with warm honey and swallowed.

What are the advantages of Chinese patent medicines?

Patent medicines are convenient and ready to use. They are commercially available and regulated for safety and efficacy in many countries. They provide a standardized dose of a traditional herbal formula.

Can traditional Chinese medicine granules be customized?

Yes, the specific herbs in a granule formula can be adjusted by the practitioner on each visit based on changes in the patient's condition. This allows for a more personalized treatment.

Can children take Chinese herbal medicines?

Yes, pediatric formulas in granule or pill form are commonly used to treat children. Doses are adjusted for the child's age and size. Chinese medicine is effective in treating many childhood issues like colic, fever, and digestive problems in infants and children.

Are Chinese herbs safe?

Chinese herbs, when properly prescribed by a qualified practitioner, have very low toxicity and side effects compared to many Western medications. Thousands of years of use have demonstrated their safety. However, some herbs can interact with medications, so patients should always inform their herbalist of any drugs they are taking.


Both traditional Chinese medicine granules and Chinese patent medicines play significant roles in the practice of TCM. Granules offer flexibility and personalization, while patent medicines provide convenience and regulatory assurance. Understanding the differences between these two forms of herbal medicine can help patients make informed choices about their healthcare options within the framework of traditional Chinese medicine. As TCM continues to evolve, both forms will likely coexist, catering to the diverse needs of patients seeking holistic health solutions.