How to Deal with the Insolubility of TCM Concentrated Granules?


Some TCM concentrated granules can appear insoluble or difficult to dissolve in water for a couple of primary reasons related to their composition and the preparation method. Understanding these factors can help users effectively consume these granules and maximize their therapeutic benefits.

Reasons for Insolubility in TCM Concentrated Granules

1. Composition of Granules

The granules are often made from micronized medicinal materials, which means they are finely ground powders. This micronization can lead to the granules not dissolving completely in water, behaving similarly to powders. Certain herbs, such as Fritillaria cirrhosa, Gastrodia elata, Agarwood, American ginseng, and Panax notoginseng, are known for their poor solubility in water. When these herbs are processed into granules, their inherent properties can cause them to remain undissolved or precipitate when mixed with water.

2. Temperature and Preparation Method

Another significant factor affecting the solubility of these granules is the temperature of the water used for dissolution. Many herbal substances dissolve better at higher temperatures. When the granules are mixed with cold or room-temperature water, they may not dissolve properly, leading to a turbid or flocculent appearance. This is particularly true for certain seed kernels and root products like Plantago, Cuscuta, and Pinellia ternata. As the liquid cools, substances that initially dissolve at higher temperatures can condense, resulting in visible particles or sediment.

Improper Taking Methods

The difficulty in dissolving these granules is often exacerbated by improper consumption methods. Factors such as:

 - Using water that is not hot enough

 - Insufficient stirring of the mixture

These can lead to the "insolubility" that patients frequently report. To enhance the dissolution of these granules, it is recommended to:

 - Use boiling water to dissolve the granules initially

 - Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure even distribution

 - Allow the mixture to cool slightly before consuming, as this can help with taste while maintaining solubility.

TCM concentrated granules are a convenient and effective way to take Chinese herbs. The appearance of insolubility in concentrated Chinese medicine granules can be attributed to the physical properties of the micronized medicinal materials and the temperature-dependent solubility of certain herbal components. Proper preparation methods, including the use of hot water and adequate stirring, can significantly improve the dissolution of these granules, ensuring that users receive the full therapeutic benefits of their herbal medicine.